Why organise a 2-day conference?

Of all the conference formats, the 2-day format is often favoured by organisers and delegates alike.

If the event is well organised, 2 days seems an ideal amount of time to tackle the work sessions in depth, set aside times for networking and socialising, and keep costs under control for both organisers and delegates.

In Toulouse, the teams at MEETT (the Occitan capital’s Exhibition, Convention and Conference Centre) help organisers plan their events and answer any questions they may have.


2-day conference: Deep immersion and sustained commitment


A rich working session in plenary

The plenary sessions are the high points of conferences. They are key moments that set the beat for an economic sector, take stock and highlight prospects and innovations.

Hosted by personalities renowned for their expertise, it’s a source of inspiration for professionals and a breeding ground for discussion during networking sessions.

However interesting they may be, plenary sessions have to contend with the new ways in which delegates consume information and quickly become bored. So it’s important to offer a dynamic, modern experience that evolves the format without damaging the content.

4 ways to liven up a plenary session at a 2-day conference

  • Keep talks short
  • Invite a moderator who is the master of time and ensures that the plenary session is dynamic
  • Use an upbeat approach with music and lighting effects
  • Keep delegates’ interest alive with online votes or quizzes
  • Amplify interaction by displaying the feed on the conference social networks on a giant screen.

Workshops and round tables to enhance skills


Complementing the plenary sessions, the workshops and round tables provide an opportunity to explore issues in greater depth.

These more intimate formats give delegates the opportunity to immerse themselves in in-depth discussions, ask specific questions and exchange views with their peers.

Once again, to ensure that these working sessions turn into positive and useful experiences, it is important to focus on new subjects that are relevant to the issues facing the sector.

Being more interactive in nature, workshops and round tables require less activity in terms of format.

Nevertheless, role-playing, hackathons and speed meetings are excellent ways of reinvigorating the delegates’ experience.


A format that encourages effective networking

The combined format of plenary sessions, workshops, round tables, and cocktail and gala evenings offers a variety of key moments and relaxation ideal for making meaningful business contacts.

Coffee breaks, lunches and dedicated networking sessions create informal moments conducive to business conversations.

There are many ways to expedite networking: collecting business cards, avatars meeting each other, card games where you have to find people who share your colour, creating a fresco or a joint work of art, escape room, but also the ever-effective speed meetings, wishes and expectations table etc.

These ideas need to be adapted to suit the audience.

However, the key to successful networking at a 2-day conference is the quality of the organisation, the welcome, the facilities and the comfort.


Ideal duration, a breath of fresh air and controlled costs

A conference represents a cost. It is therefore essential for all delegates to ensure a positive return on investment by making the most of these key moments while keeping costs under control.


Tighter organisation costs

For delegates, leaving their workstations to immerse themselves in a conference is a major challenge.

Transport, accommodation, catering and even stand-related costs all add to the hidden cost of the absence of a company employee or manager.

A 2-day conference will contain the financial impact on these various items. Few strategic decisions cannot wait 48 hours for the teams to return from the conference before being taken.


2 days to gain some perspective


The 2-day conference provides a healthy breathing space for delegates, allowing them to disengage from their day-to-day activities for a limited time, to take a step back, find out, learn and identify new opportunities.

This 2-day immersion does not disrupt the regular running of the company or require reorganisation of assignments.


Long enough to attract international interest

Ideally being held on Thursdays and Fridays, 2-day conferences will attract an international clientèle who will also be able to extend their stay over the weekend and take advantage of the benefits of a conference city such as Toulouse.

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Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental considerations into their commercial activities and their dealings with stakeholders.
While CSR is the practical implementation of sustainable actions applied to companies, the acronym ESG refers to the Environmental, Social and Governance criteria to be taken into account when assessing a CSR policy.

The GL events Group’s primary objective is to reduce its carbon footprint, with the target of reducing energy consumption by 25%. Measures have been taken to achieve this, including an ambitious energy efficiency plan, promoting renewable energies, encouraging low-carbon transport and mobility and measuring its carbon footprint.
GL events has also developed a roadmap for reducing emissions.

The second objective is to limit the use of single-use products and to maximise its circular economy The Group has implemented an eco-design policy to maximise waste reduction through asset rotation, and GL events is continually working to improve waste sorting and recovery.

The third objective is to develop diversity and territories through GLO-CAL partnerships and activities. GL events is committed to solidarity and philanthropy. The Group encourages responsible purchasing and supports the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy). GL events also believes that diversity is a strength and promotes this through its ethical and entrepreneurial values.

The main results of this strategy are seen in:

  • a 22% reduction in emissions in 2022 compared with
    the data published in 2019 for the 3 axes.
  • 52% of the Group’s electricity (France and International) being classified as renewable, including 100% of venue sites in France being supplied with renewable electricity.
  • a 12-point increase in the waste sorting rate. The Group is aiming
    to increase this figure from 32% in 2019 to 44% in 2022.

The Group’s CSR vision is embodied operationally by the GreenTech+ division. This organises 9 trade fairs dedicated to accelerating the ecological transition through product and industry trade fairs. This new GL events Group entity is committed to supporting the industry’s players in their development, seeking out solutions for the future and encouraging our fellow citizens to become increasingly eco-responsible.