Cookie policy

This section enables you to find out more about the origin and use of browsing information processed when you visit our website and about your rights. This policy is therefore important for you, who wish to have a positive and confident experience of our services, and for us, who wish to respond accurately and completely to your questions about your use of our website and to take account of your wishes. When you visit our website, information relating to your browsing on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) may be recorded in “cookie” files installed on your terminal, subject to the choices you have made concerning cookies and which you may modify at any time.


1. The cookies we send out on our site.

When you connect to our website, subject to your choices, we may install various cookies on your terminal enabling us to recognise your terminal’s browser for the duration of the cookie’s validity. The cookies we send are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your browser software used when you visit our website. Only the sender of a cookie is eligible to read or modify the information contained therein.
The cookies we send allow us to:
compile statistics and volumes of visits to and use of the various components of our website (sections and content visited, routes taken), enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;
count the total number of advertisements displayed by us on our advertising spaces, identify these advertisements, their respective number of displays, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, where applicable, the subsequent actions carried out by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the companies in the advertising distribution chain (advertising agency, advertising network, distribution site/support), and draw up statistics;
display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our website, depending on the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal is equipped with;
adapt our advertising spaces to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our website, depending on the hardware and software used for viewing and reading that your terminal is equipped with;
store information relating to a form that you have filled in on our website (registration or access to an account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our website (subscribed service, etc.), and allow you to access reserved and personal areas of our website, such as your account, using identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us;
implement security measures, for example when you are asked to reconnect to content or a service after a certain period of time.

2. Cookies sent to our site by third parties

Cookies may be included in the advertising spaces on our website. These advertising spaces display advertising content from advertisers on your terminal. These areas help to finance the content and services we make available to you.
The sending and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies of which we are aware and of the means available to you to make choices with regard to cookies.

i. Through third-party applications integrated into our website

We may include computer applications from third parties on our website which allow you to share content from our website with other people or to inform these other people of your consultation or opinion concerning content on our website. This is particularly true of the “Share” and “Like” buttons on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo, etc.
The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you by way of this button, even if you did not use this button when visiting our website. This type of application button may allow the social network concerned to track your browsing on our website, simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your terminal (open session) during your browsing on our website.
We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on our website and associated with the personal data they hold. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to find out how the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons is used, particularly for advertising purposes. These protection policies should enable you to exercise your choices with regard to these social networks, in particular by configuring your user accounts for each of these networks.

ii. Via third-party content displayed in our advertising spaces

The advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) displayed in our advertising spaces may contain cookies sent by third parties: either the advertiser at the origin of the advertising content concerned, or a company external to the advertiser (communications consultancy agency, audience measurement company, targeted advertising service provider, etc.) which has associated a cookie with the advertising content of an advertiser.
Where applicable, the cookies sent by these third parties may enable them, during the period of validity of the cookies:
to count the number of times advertising content is displayed via our advertising spaces, to identify the advertisements displayed in this way and the number of users who clicked on each advertisement, enabling them to calculate the sums due as a result, and to draw up statistics;
to collect browsing information from terminals visiting our website;
to recognise your terminal during its subsequent navigation on any other website or service on which these advertisers or these third parties also send cookies and, where applicable, to adapt these websites and third party services or the advertisements that they broadcast to the browser settings of your terminal, of which they may be aware.

iii. By an external advertising agency using our advertising space

The advertising spaces on our website may be operated by one or more external advertising agencies and, where applicable, may contain cookies sent by one of these agencies. Where applicable, the cookies sent by these external advertising agencies enable them, during the period of validity of the cookies:
to count the total number of advertisements displayed by them on our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, their respective number of displays, the number of users having clicked on each advertisement and, where applicable, the subsequent actions carried out by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the companies in the advertising distribution chain (advertising agency, advertising network, website/distribution medium), and to draw up statistics;
to adapt the advertising spaces they operate to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) according to the hardware and software for viewing and reading that your terminal is equipped with;
to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to your terminal’s browsing on our website;
to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to your terminal’s previous or subsequent browsing on third-party websites on which the advertising company concerned also sends cookies, provided that these cookies have been stored on your terminal in accordance with the choices you have made with regard to this advertising company;
to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to the location data (longitude and latitude) transmitted by your terminal with your prior consent;
to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the personal data that you may have provided to this advertising agency.


You have several options for managing cookies. Any settings you make may affect your browsing on the Internet and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.
You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes with regard to cookies, by the means described below.

The choices offered to you by your browser software

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on who is sending them. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or refusing cookies from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be stored in your terminal.

i. Cookie agreement

The storing of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the will of the terminal user, which the latter may express and modify at any time and free of charge by means of the choices offered to him by his browser software.
If you have accepted the storage of cookies in the terminal in your browser software, cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have accessed may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space in your terminal. They will only be readable by the sender.

ii. Refusing cookies

If you refuse the storage of cookies on your terminal, or if you delete those stored there, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functions which are still necessary for browsing certain areas of our website. This would be the case if you attempted to access content or services that require you to be identified. This would also be the case if, for technical compatibility purposes, we – or our service providers – were unable to recognise the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet.
Where applicable, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies required for their operation and which you may have refused or deleted.

iii. How do you exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

The configuration of each browser is different for managing cookies and your choices. This is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences.

For Internet ExplorerTM:
For SafariTM :
For ChromeTM :
For FirefoxTM :
For OperaTM :

Flash cookies from Adobe Flash PlayerTM

Adobe Flash PlayerTM is a computer application that enables the rapid development of dynamic content using the Flash computer language. Flash (and similar applications) memorises the settings, preferences and use of this content using a technology similar to cookies. However, Adobe Flash PlayerTM manages this information and your choices via an interface different from that provided by your browser software.
If your terminal is likely to display content developed using Flash language, we suggest you access your Flash cookie management tools at

Your choices expressed online to inter-professional platforms

You can log on to the website, which is run by digital advertising professionals belonging to the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and is managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
This will enable you to find out which companies are registered with this platform and offer you the option of refusing or accepting the cookies used by these companies to adapt the advertising likely to be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information:
This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralised interface enabling you to express your refusal or acceptance of cookies likely to be used in order to adapt the advertising likely to be displayed on your terminal browser. Please note that this procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will only block technologies that adapt advertising to your centres of interest.


The aim is to present you with the most relevant advertising possible. To this end, cookie technology makes it possible to determine in real time which advertisements should be displayed on a terminal, depending on its recent browsing on one or more websites.
Your interest in the advertising content displayed on your terminal when you visit a website often determines the advertising resources that enable the site to operate its services, which are often provided to users free of charge. You probably prefer to see ads that correspond to what interests you rather than ads that are of no interest to you. Similarly, advertisers who wish to see their advertisements displayed are interested in displaying their offers to users who are likely to be most interested in them.


If your terminal is used by more than one person, and when the same terminal has multiple browsers, we cannot be certain that the services and advertisements intended for your terminal correspond to your personal use of this terminal and not to that of another user of this terminal.
If you nevertheless share with others the use of your terminal and the configuration of your browser settings with regard to cookies, you are free to do this and are responsible for doing so.


“Cookie(s)”: refers to a text file that, subject to your choices, may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your terminal when you access an online service using your browser software. A cookie file enables its sender to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity or storage.
“Browsing Information(s)”: refers to information relating to the connection of a terminal to an electronic communication service at a given time. We may process browsing information in the circumstances described herein, even if we do not necessarily know which terminal you are using or who you are at any given time. This browsing information concerns, in particular:
IP (Internet Protocol) address of the terminal connected to the Internet;
the date and time of connection of a terminal to an electronic communication service;
the Internet address of the Internet page (“referer”) from which the terminal accesses an electronic communication service;
the type of operating system used by the terminal (Windows, MacOs, Linux, Unix, BeOS, etc.);
the type and version of browser software used by a terminal (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.);
the language of use of the browser software used by the terminal, the identifier and content of a cookie file stored by us in the terminal.
“Personal Data”: refers to data relating to you alone at a given time, regardless of the terminal you are using.
“Terminal”: refers to the hardware equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone, telephone, etc.) that you use to access or view a website, an application, advertising content, etc.
“Advertiser”: generally refers to any company or organisation that uses various communication techniques to promote its reputation, image, products or services.
“Advertising Network”: refers to the entity or company in charge of marketing advertising space on behalf of one or more publishers: publishers of websites, mobile applications, etc.
The networks may be required to:
design advertising offers that are profitable for the publisher and for themselves, and are more effective for the advertiser;
implement technological solutions and partnerships enabling them to collect information relating to browsing and/or the location of a single terminal (computer, smartphone) on one or several thousand advertising distribution media (websites, mobile services platforms, mobile applications) for which they are the direct or indirect intermediaries.
“Publisher”: refers to the content publishing medium (website, mobile website or mobile application), which has advertising space that it seeks to remunerate in the best possible conditions – in financial and ergonomic terms – by inserting advertising content, in order to finance its activities, in particular the publishing of services and content or information (e.g. online press).
To promote its advertising spaces and obtain better remuneration for them, the publisher must be able to prove that it has an audience in order to supply its spaces with advertising content tailored to this audience. It can use one or more advertising networks to promote its spaces. Where applicable, these advertising networks are required to implement counting devices in the advertising spaces that they market to advertisers and, where they have them, devices for adapting the advertising content that they display or publish on the publisher’s site.
“Targeted Advertising Service Provider”: means a company that uses technologies – in particular cookies and/or algorithms for calculating probability or appetence – enabling it to assist an advertising network, advertiser or communications consultancy agency in determining the advertising that appears to be best suited to the browsing information relating to a terminal or the personal data relating to a user, according to the information that it processes or that is made available to it by one of these parties.
“Targeted Advertising”: refers to the ability to adapt advertising content to browsing information or personal data.
“Behavioural Advertising”: refers to advertising which consists of deducing the supposed centres of interest of users from information relating to the browsing of their terminal on one or more services, in order to be able to display specifically adapted advertising, intended to interest them more than other advertising.
The implementation of this type of advertising depends, on the one hand, on the technologies used and the actors who implement them and, on the other hand, on whether or not a “cookie” is available on a terminal (a “cookie” file, for example) and whether or not it is possible to share such a “cookie” with third parties.
“Personalised Advertising”: refers to advertising selected on the basis of characteristics known to the Internet user (age, gender, contact details, etc.) and which he or she has provided, for example by registering for a service.
The implementation of this form of targeted advertising may result either from declarative information provided by a user but insufficient to identify him/her (age, gender, tastes, centres of interest), or from the processing of personal data. In the latter case, this must be understood in the light of regulations relating to the protection of personal data, by informing Internet users of the purposes of processing personal data concerning them that they have provided, in particular for the adaptation of advertising content likely to be displayed to them.

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental considerations into their commercial activities and their dealings with stakeholders.
While CSR is the practical implementation of sustainable actions applied to companies, the acronym ESG refers to the Environmental, Social and Governance criteria to be taken into account when assessing a CSR policy.

The GL events Group’s primary objective is to reduce its carbon footprint, with the target of reducing energy consumption by 25%. Measures have been taken to achieve this, including an ambitious energy efficiency plan, promoting renewable energies, encouraging low-carbon transport and mobility and measuring its carbon footprint.
GL events has also developed a roadmap for reducing emissions.

The second objective is to limit the use of single-use products and to maximise its circular economy The Group has implemented an eco-design policy to maximise waste reduction through asset rotation, and GL events is continually working to improve waste sorting and recovery.

The third objective is to develop diversity and territories through GLO-CAL partnerships and activities. GL events is committed to solidarity and philanthropy. The Group encourages responsible purchasing and supports the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy). GL events also believes that diversity is a strength and promotes this through its ethical and entrepreneurial values.

The main results of this strategy are seen in:

  • a 22% reduction in emissions in 2022 compared with
    the data published in 2019 for the 3 axes.
  • 52% of the Group’s electricity (France and International) being classified as renewable, including 100% of venue sites in France being supplied with renewable electricity.
  • a 12-point increase in the waste sorting rate. The Group is aiming
    to increase this figure from 32% in 2019 to 44% in 2022.

The Group’s CSR vision is embodied operationally by the GreenTech+ division. This organises 9 trade fairs dedicated to accelerating the ecological transition through product and industry trade fairs. This new GL events Group entity is committed to supporting the industry’s players in their development, seeking out solutions for the future and encouraging our fellow citizens to become increasingly eco-responsible.