An in-depth review to optimise your conference

The effectiveness of a conference is measured not just by the quality of the speakers, but also by the overall experience of the delegates.

That’s why a thorough conference review is essential to ensure the continued success of your events.

Feedback from delegates, satisfaction surveys, financial results, monitoring of comments, CSR commitment etc. – there are numerous indicators.

A detailed analysis is essential, with a view to continuous improvement in order to optimise the profitability of the next event and deliver an even more positive experience.

Feedback from delegates

The review is a stage that must be planned right from preparing for the conference. It’s the tool that must underpin the thinking behind the forthcoming edition.

Too many debriefings end up lost in the maze of our computers’ memories and are forgotten as soon as they’re written! A thorough review is a very effective launch pad for the next event.

The first stage of the conference review is to gather feedback from delegates.


Evaluate the overall experience of your delegates


The solution most often used is a questionnaire administered face-to-face to a predetermined sample of delegates.

It consists mainly of closed questions or rating scales, possibly supplemented by one or two open-ended questions on ideas and areas for improvement suggested by the interviewee. It lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Every aspect of the organisation must be examined: reception, cleanliness, services, accommodation, catering, security, transport, interest in conferences and technical visits, quality of speakers, arrangements for the gala evening, networking events, etc.

This initial quantitative assessment quickly highlights the event’s strengths and areas for improvement


Have you delivered on the CSR commitments made at your conference?

You have included CSR considerations right from the start of your conference, thinking about a number of eco-responsible facilities and initiatives: use of recycled products, local service providers, work integration initiatives etc.

Once the conference is over, use an analysis grid to validate the gap between your CSR objectives and how they have been achieved, and indicate the areas for improvement. Have you reached, surpassed or missed certain goals? Which ones ? Why is this ? What area had you not explored that would be useful to include in the next edition of your conference ?

You can also calculate your carbon footprint using specially developed tools available on the web, in particular on the ADEME website.


What are your delegates saying ?

Audit your e-reputation by analysing the comments posted on the various social platforms.

Identify recurring themes, both positive and negative. This qualitative analysis will provide you with valuable information on the specific aspects that struck delegates and those that require particular attention in future planning.

Don’t hesitate to keep the discussions going, possibly in private with particularly active delegates in the community, to obtain more detailed information.


Time to take stock and calculate ROI


Direct costs, indirect costs, hidden costs… Financial analysis and management control of your event enable you to map out expenditure and validate its proper use.


Draw up a detailed financial statement.


Analyse the costs incurred and the income generated during the event to assess its overall profitability.

Identify significant areas of expenditure and explore opportunities for optimising investments.

In terms of communication, you can also calculate the ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) of your campaigns or their ROI and identify the actions that have been most effective in recruiting delegates.

By developing a proactive approach to your financial analysis, you can identify ways of making savings in future without compromising on the quality of the event.


Write an event report to document the lessons learned.


The event report is not a straightforward account. It is a detailed document in which every event at the conference is meticulously recorded.

Accurately record notable successes, major challenges encountered and solutions deployed.

This report becomes a benchmark, full of insights for future events. The lessons learned will guide not only the repeats of this conference, but also all future strategic planning.


Continuous improvement


Thank the delegates and turn them into partners.


Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of thanking your delegates for their valuable contribution.

Show them that their feedback is taken seriously and used to continually improve the quality of your conferences.

As an added bonus, get them more involved by taking part in surveys or providing ideas for future events.

In conclusion, an in-depth debriefing is key to the continued success of your events.

By combining qualitative and financial evaluation, strategic planning based on delegate feedback, and a commitment to continuous improvement, you are reinforcing your position as an expert in the creation of quality professional conferences.


Planning a conference and need help? Contact us. Our teams are made up of event professionals who can help you set up your event project.

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Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental considerations into their commercial activities and their dealings with stakeholders.
While CSR is the practical implementation of sustainable actions applied to companies, the acronym ESG refers to the Environmental, Social and Governance criteria to be taken into account when assessing a CSR policy.

The GL events Group’s primary objective is to reduce its carbon footprint, with the target of reducing energy consumption by 25%. Measures have been taken to achieve this, including an ambitious energy efficiency plan, promoting renewable energies, encouraging low-carbon transport and mobility and measuring its carbon footprint.
GL events has also developed a roadmap for reducing emissions.

The second objective is to limit the use of single-use products and to maximise its circular economy The Group has implemented an eco-design policy to maximise waste reduction through asset rotation, and GL events is continually working to improve waste sorting and recovery.

The third objective is to develop diversity and territories through GLO-CAL partnerships and activities. GL events is committed to solidarity and philanthropy. The Group encourages responsible purchasing and supports the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy). GL events also believes that diversity is a strength and promotes this through its ethical and entrepreneurial values.

The main results of this strategy are seen in:

  • a 22% reduction in emissions in 2022 compared with
    the data published in 2019 for the 3 axes.
  • 52% of the Group’s electricity (France and International) being classified as renewable, including 100% of venue sites in France being supplied with renewable electricity.
  • a 12-point increase in the waste sorting rate. The Group is aiming
    to increase this figure from 32% in 2019 to 44% in 2022.

The Group’s CSR vision is embodied operationally by the GreenTech+ division. This organises 9 trade fairs dedicated to accelerating the ecological transition through product and industry trade fairs. This new GL events Group entity is committed to supporting the industry’s players in their development, seeking out solutions for the future and encouraging our fellow citizens to become increasingly eco-responsible.